Dorset Chimney Sweep - Bournemouth, Poole, Wimborne Chimney Sweep Blandford Christchurch

The professional Bournemouth chimney sweep service you can trust

The professional Bournemouth chimney sweep service you can trust
Professional chimney sweep service for Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch & Dorset

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Latest Dorset Chimney Sweep Reviews

Here is a sample of Jim Chim-in-ey's latest chimney sweep reviews, you can view more by visiting my review page.

If you are looking for a trusted sweep in the areas of Bournemouth, Poole, Ringwood, Blanford or Dorset.

Call JC on
07837 672 548

Friday 25 November 2016

The best way to store your firewood!

hashtag pattern fire wood stack 2The best way to stack, if you have the space is to layer your wood in a #hashtag pattern.

honeycomb pattern fire wood stack 2

If you have less free space, another acceptable option is to stack your wood piles in a honeycomb pattern. Make sure this is no more than two layers in-depth as the wood can struggle to dry.

A shelter with a raised baton floor is a great way to help keep the rain off and ensure air can still circulate the stack.

If using a tarpaulin, make sure your not suffocating the wood as it's important that air has the freedom to flow.

If your wood is struggling to dry, you can try chopping your logs into smaller pieces to encourage them to dry at a faster speed.

If the wood is green, unseasoned and wet, she will need more time for the air to flow around to help dry the logs out.

How long does it take to season wood?

Harder wood such as oak can take up to 4 years to be fully seasoned.
Softer wood can take between 12 -18 months to season.

Recommended article: #7 ways to tell if your firewood is seasoned and ready to burn


This article was written by Jim Chim-in-ey

An insurance approved chimney sweep 

JC sweeps all open fires, wood burners and stoves.
Covering Bournemouth, Poole, Blandford Forum and Dorset.

Want to have your chimney swept?

Contact JC Today!

Wednesday 23 November 2016

What optimum temperature should your wood burner or stove be at?

The Temperature Guide

Getting the right temperature in your wood burner or stove will help reduce the build up of soot and creosote in your chimney flue.

There are 3 main temperature zones that will effect your wood-burner or stove.

woodburner temperature guide - jim chimney Zone One - The Creosote Zone - 0'c - 129'c
This is the cool temperature where creosote thrives, Tiny unburned particles in the smoke sticks to the inside of the liner causing a taring of the chimney flue. Once its on it can be difficult for a chimney sweep to remove.

Zone Two - The Optimum Zone - 130'c - 240'c
Time to relax and enjoy the warmth of your fire.

Zone Three - The Damage Zone - 241'c - 500'c
You could be damaging your stove. Your burning her to HOT which can result in the Discoloring of paint, warping of important components such as maintenance bolts. In some cases you may get the cracking of weld-joints which would result in your stove being unsafe.

You can pick up a stove pipe thermometer / temperature gauge for under £5.00 online!
Here is a couple of direct links I found from a quick UK search.
Remember: Always refer to your wood-burner or stoves manual as some stoves have a lower recommended temperature..

Recommended article: The best way to store your firewood!


This article was written by Jim Chim-in-ey

An insurance approved chimney sweep 

JC sweeps all open fires, wood burners and stoves.
Covering Bournemouth, Poole, Blandford Forum and Dorset.

Want to have your chimney swept?

Contact JC Today!

Please check your wood-burners manufactures instruction for recommended temperatures. The above article is just a generally speaking.

Saturday 19 November 2016

Another Fantastic Chimney Sweep Review

Visit our Facebook page to see more chimney sweep service reviews.

Why you should not burn unseasoned wood in your fire?

When burning unseasoned wood the moisture has to be driven off the wood before she can start to give off good combustion, the moisture then travels up the flue lowering the flue gas temperatures reducing your updraught speed.

unseasoned wood - chopped 2

Not only will burning unseasoned wood encourage more creosote to settle in your chimney flue but you will also not gain the full heat value that fully seasoned wood could have offered.

Green unseasoned wet wood can cause smoking problems and rapid creosote build up which can in turn become a fire risk.

seasoned wood burns better 02

Recommended article: #7 ways to tell if your firewood is seasoned and ready to burn


This article was written by Jim Chim-in-ey

An insurance approved chimney sweep 

JC sweeps all open fires, wood burners and stoves.
Covering Bournemouth, Poole, Blandford Forum and Dorset.

Want to have your chimney swept?

Contact JC Today!

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Chimney Sweeping in November

What a beautiful day to be a chimney sweep in Bournemouth, Dorset. You would never of guessed it's November with weather like this!

If you are looking to have your chimney swept this winter and before Christmas, call today as I am already taking bookings for December.

Best wishes,


Saturday 12 November 2016

#7 ways to tell if your firewood is seasoned and ready to burn

Here is a short guide to help you to decide if your firewood is seasoned and ready to burn in your open fire, wood burner or stove.

The #seven tips have been brought to you by . . .
Jim Chim-in-ey : Your Dorset Chimney Sweep Specialist.

1 Look - Is my wood seasoned

Seasoned wood is ugly wood and will look weathered and discoloured. When you compare it to unseasoned wood. It's usually a off gray compared to its blonder prettier sister

2 Bark - Is my wood seasoned

Moisture helps keep the bark attached after she has been chopped. As you want the wood to be as dry as possible. If the bark layer peels off, it's a good sign she has been seasoned.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Google Chimney Sweep Service Reviews

You can view many more of our customers 5* chimney sweep service reviews by visiting this Google link . . .
Jim Chim-in-ey - Dorset Chimney Sweeping Specialist

Sunday 6 November 2016

The Jim Chim-in-ey experience

jim chim-in-ey - chimney sweep experience dorset 2
Jim Chim-in-ey - The chimney sweep experience
For more information about the chimney sweep service we offer or to inquire about booking JC, please visit our contact page.

Friday 4 November 2016

What is the difference between kiln dried and seasoned firewood?

kiln dried firewood - chimney sweep dorset 2

Buying kiln dried wood is a way to ensure your wood is already dry and ready for immediate burning. Kiln dried logs light faster and give the ultimate clean burn with maximum heat output. Kiln dry is a process that forces the moisture out of the wood using heat and can can take between 60 hours to a week to complete the process.

You expect kiln dry wood to consistently read between 10-15% with an outside moisture reading.
Due to the extra process you will typically expect to pay more for kiln dried wood over normal seasoned wood.

seasoned wood - chimney sweep dorset 2Seasoned wood has been stacked and dried over a period of at least a year, Good seasoned wood should read between 15-25% with an outside moisture reading.

What wood to buy?

Both good Seasoned and Kiln dried wood are good to burn in your fireplace or woodburner. If you are having any trouble with stage three tar in your chimney due to the burning of wet wood then Kiln dried wood is a safer option for you.

Where to buy good quality wood in Dorset? is a Dorset website you can purchase kiln dried wood from that delivers to Bournemouth, Poole & Dorset. is a Wimborne website you can purchase seasoned wood from that delivers to Bournemouth, Poole & Dorset.

Recommended article: The best way to store your firewood!


This article was written by Jim Chim-in-ey

An insurance approved chimney sweep 

JC sweeps all open fires, wood burners and stoves.
Covering Bournemouth, Poole, Blandford Forum and Dorset.

Want to have your chimney swept?

Contact JC Today!

The  advice on is of  the good will of  a chimney sweep, please seek professional advice before using any of the information found on this website.