Dorset Chimney Sweep - Bournemouth, Poole, Wimborne Chimney Sweep Blandford Christchurch

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Professional chimney sweep service for Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch & Dorset

Friday 27 January 2017

Why is it so important to protect wild birds?

Dorset Chimney Bird Nest Guide: Article Four

I met up with professional Ecologist, Edward Parrott to find out why it is so important to not disturb wild bird nests in season.

wild bird protect dorset chimney sweep

“Many birds within the UK have suffered dramatic population declines in recent decades. This has been for numerous reasons including loss of habitat, restriction in food supply, and even direct persecution by people. Finding a suitable site, collecting materials and building a nest, attracting a mate, laying eggs, incubating the eggs and feeding and defending chicks from predators takes an enormous amount of time and energy for bird. They’re at their most vulnerable when they’re on their nest and it’s really important that they are not disturbed so that they can complete their life cycle.”

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This article was written by Jim Chim-in-ey

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