Dorset Chimney Sweep - Bournemouth, Poole, Wimborne Chimney Sweep Blandford Christchurch

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The professional Bournemouth chimney sweep service you can trust
Professional chimney sweep service for Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch & Dorset

Friday 27 October 2017

Trouble lighting fire with an exposed external chimney?

Exposed external chimneys 02
Exposed external chimneys

Exposed external chimneys, particularly solid steel flue systems, will now and again produce draught issues when lighting the stove. for instance, if the air temperature outside is colder then the air within the chimney stack it could be working at an equivalent temperature. this might make a cold ‘block’ that produces a chilly down-draught inside the room. However, there's is things you can try to change this: Within the area where the stove stands open an outside door or window against the wind to form a lower pressure. Then open the stove door for some minutes so the higher room pressure will ‘escape’ through the stove pipe and flue system … your chimney draught may now be operating in the right direction!

Heating the flue with a fan heater, blowtorch or newspaper can also help encourage an updraught before starting the fire.

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This article was written by Jim Chim-in-ey

An insurance approved chimney sweep 

JC sweeps all open fires, wood burners and stoves.
Covering Bournemouth, Poole, Blandford Forum and Dorset.

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