Dorset Chimney Sweep - Bournemouth, Poole, Wimborne Chimney Sweep Blandford Christchurch

The professional Bournemouth chimney sweep service you can trust

The professional Bournemouth chimney sweep service you can trust
Professional chimney sweep service for Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch & Dorset

Friday 30 March 2018

Bournemouth Chimney Sweep's Bird Nest Removal

Below you will find the Chimney Sweep's Birds Nest Calendar.

If you have a birds nest in your chimney then it is recommended that you wait until August/September which is the beginning of the chimney sweeping season to remove the birds nest. This is to avoid disturbing nesting birds which are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Jim Chim-in-ey is fully equipped to safely remove even the toughest of birds nest from your chimney and Jim's sweeping area includes Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch and Dorset. To remove the birds nest Jim uses the latest power sweeping tools to remove the nest from the chimney and with CCTV on-board, Jim can ensure the chimney stack is clear and safe operations.

Nest removal prices start from £77.00 and includes a chimney sweep certificate for insurance purposes.

Beat the chimney sweep winter rush!

Book in your nest removal & sweep today,
call Jim on 07837 672 548.
For more ways to contact Jim ,visit his Contact Page Here.
Bournemouth Chimney Sweep's Bird Nest Calendar 01
Bournemouth Chimney Sweep's Bird Nest Calendar.

I still need the birds nest removed during the bird season?

Being a bird lover, Jim does not facilitate the removal of nests in season and would always recommend waiting until August/ September.

If the removal of the nest must be completed during the bird nesting season, then a breeding bird survey must be carried out by a professional and their advice taken prior to any work commencing.

Breaking the Countryside Act 1981 will result in a fine of up to £5000.00 or up to 6 months in prison.

For more info regarding on the Countryside Act 1981 please visit my previous article - The UK Law that is protecting wild birds.


Bournemouth Chimney Sweep
Call Jim to book your Bournemouth, Poole & Dorset Chimney Sweep Today

This article was written by Jim Chim-in-ey

An insurance approved chimney sweep 

JC sweeps all open fires, wood burners and stoves.
Covering Bournemouth, Poole, Blandford Forum and Dorset.

Want to have your chimney swept?

Contact JC Today!